
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Inner Walrus

There is some consensus that I should retain the super-power acquired in yester-day's dream, but I do fear it would endanger my commitment to nonviolent protest. Collagemama offered up a peaceful blog entry from July that reminds us we are the walrii.

Hannah, The Storialist, wanted a dream analysis for today, but I'll let you mull all this over instead and just say that while I was planning my AWP schedule yesterday, I realized I should probably attend a panel that might 1) get my goat 2) require the need of a superpower or 3) my inner walrus.

So, to get us over the hump of this particular week, I encourage you to visit Escape Into Life today, and read the haunting persona poems of Ren Powell, who is speaking in the voice of Dorothea Lynde Dix, a champion of the poor and mentally ill, then called the "indigent insane." She was a Civil War era activist, appointed as Superintendent of Army Nurses.

In random coincidii mode, I note that we brought back to life several Civil War era people in this past year's Evergreen Cemetery Discovery Walk, and that I just played Georgina Trotter, a Civil War army nurse, in another theatrical-historical event in January!

And the marvelous photos you see here and at Ren Powell's feature are by Katia Chauseva of Bulgaria. I love the scratchy, blurry quality that somehow evokes both history and dreaming in color.


  1. Thank you for the introduction to Katia. I love the images you've included in your blog and the predominance of red in them.

  2. Thanks, Andee! Yes, I chose these for the red, and there are other colors at her artist feature, so be sure and click her name to see more!

  3. Walrii sounds hilarious...

    I suppose I can live without the dream analysis :). I thought a lot about your dream (when/where have you felt heckled, and when/where have you defeated hecklers through leadership, I'd ask!), and then had a weird dream myself--they are contagious!

  4. Ah, the mysterious contagion of the dream world...

  5. Kathleen- just caught up with the early wakings and dreams. I've been going through the very same thing. Such vivid dreams in morning's early hours. There is no sleep beyond such dreams. I don't know if I'd want any of them analyzed.

    Escape Into Life is fast becoming a go to site for me. You're fortunate to have a hand in it. I'll be visiting again. (Beautiful photos, by the way. Katia does good work.) :)

  6. Love, love these photos. Katia should be designing opera sets.


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