
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Out of a fog...

...into a room perpendicular with pianos. It's fun to be on Poetry Radio, a local WGLT program that you can hear live, stream, or click to hear via podcast. I am up today with "Two Pianos," published in Drought some years back, and based on the fact of two pianos in our dining room for a time in my life.

It's also an eerie sort of fun to drive, slowly, through a thick fog in the morning, as I did, safely, today! Now: blue sky, sun shining, and 31 but expected to be in the mid-50s later. Maybe I'll take a long, leisurely walk.

And, technology challenged as I am, I managed to download and install a new, free security program for my computer today. Yay! My son advised me, and I followed his advice. And he is coming home for a visit this weekend, so if I screwed anything up, he can fix it!

Happy Groundhog's Day. The fog prevented the shadow. The sun spring!


  1. What a delight to hear your sweet voice read a lovely poem.

    So glad you made it safely through the fog!

  2. A son and his wife will be visiting me this weekend, too, so this is a time to savor.

  3. Very nice, and I like the piano music framing it as an effect as well.

    I suppose the fact that I currently have two TVs in my small studio living area isn't quite same thing.

    And for a brief while, I had three!

  4. Thank you, dear ones, and I am glad to know of the abundance in your lives. Even of TVs. Seana, I feel a poem coming on....


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!