
Monday, February 27, 2012

Pick Up Sticks

Today the sky is blue for a Blue Monday in the blog, and I hope the tem-perature goes up into the 50s again, because I need to go outside and pick up sticks in my yard and my parents' yard after yesterday's wild wind!

Imaginary playlist:  "Pick Up Sticks," by the Dave Brubeck Quartet, followed by "Take Five."

It'll be a gigantic game of pick-up sticks, leading to the woodpile.

Thanks to Heurtelions for this lovely picture of Jeu de Mikado, or pick-up sticks!

Speaking of sports and games, I have a poem in the current issue of Intentional Walk, a new journal of sports poetry! What a perfect title for such a journal, eh? After a sportsy hello from editor Greg Weiss, you'll see a wonderful variety of sports poems, including my "Swimmer's Ear."

Looking forward to summer and lap swimming, yessiree!


  1. Ah, now, that makes me miss swimming!

  2. I am crazed! My Take Five cd has to be somewhere in this condo. I've already checked in the car. Must find. Must find.

  3. I seem to drive you a little crazy frequently!


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!