
Monday, March 12, 2012

Darker This Morning

I'm cured of the crud but a little hoarse still, from screaming at volleyball and with a bit of lingering chest cough. We play for the state championship Tuesday evening. Wish us luck! My husband is the coach of a marvelous team of 7th graders, who are nice human beings, very supportive of each other and of their 6th grade practice squad, as well as talented athletes.

He is such a good coach. The girls and their parents appreciate and admire him, and he brings out the best in them. In the second game of the first match, he started several "bench players," girls who have been improving all season in practice, and were ready now to perform, and they did. This was an appropriate risk to take against this particular team, and our girls won the match in two games. In the next match, which went all three games, the regular season starters went back in, rested and fed, and played at the top of their abilities against a well-matched challenger. Tight fight all the way through! Screaming final point on a spike. Yay!

This morning it was darker driving my daughter to school, but spring is coming, more light, and it's already 55 out there and due to be in the 70s all week, we hear. I was driving straight into dark blue beauty, clouds opening, somehow perfect Blue Monday weather.

I am a little blue, sort of that post-sickness lingering faint fatigue and post-thrill sighing release. I've drafted some new poems and have more work to do. It's good work. I'm grateful for it.

Somehow the sky resembled these blue roses.


  1. Good luck tomorrow at the big game, Kathleen!

    It's warm here, too....warmish and rainy (good poem-writing weather, I think).

  2. Good luck tomorrow and to Tony byena suerte!

    Hope with this warm temps coming our way, Kathleen, you will be feeling better.

  3. That's 'buena suerte' My fingers have spring fever :(

  4. Roger to that, and over here we have a verified sighting of crocuses. Our forecast for Thursday calls for a high of 75 and a low of 16--can't wait to see how that plays out!

    Good luck on the championship! And don't scream too hard.

  5. Have I told you lately that I love you? Well, I do.

  6. Visualizing the big game with the wise coach, talented girls, and official bench poet.

  7. You are sweet. I actually have some volleyball poems!!

  8. I love observing your life in all its many aspects.

    And the blue roses are, as you say, heavenly...

  9. Best wishes to your husband and the girls tonight, and glad you are feeling better. Take care until you feel 100%.


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