
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Easy Being Green

What a lovely day. I visited with Basel Al-Aswad, father of the founder of Escape Into Life. I told him I was headed to a talk in the afternoon, by Greg Koos, director of the McLean County Museum of History, about the opening of the new exhibit on Irish history, The Greening of the Prairie: Irish Immigration and Settlement in Mclean County, and he wanted to go, too! So he turned up at the talk, "It's Not Easy Being Green," after a nice walk at, get this, Evergreen Lake!

I visited with my mom and dad, taking Dad a copy of Poems & Plays, with three of my Cassandra poems in it, as his production of The Agamemnon fired my curiosity about and enhanced my understanding of the character of Cassandra, and because he likes them. Mom likes them, too. While she and I went to the talk at the museum, Dad was on the green! Meaning golf course!

The talk was great, full of information and humor. And making clear how hard it was to Irish, in Ireland or the United States, at various times in history, notably the 1800s, as the Irish left their own country to settle here, to escape economic and religious persecution or the potato famine.

As soon as I got home, my daughter wanted to go shopping for prom dresses. Sigh. It's not easy finding the perfect prom dress. My favorite was...2 shades of green! With sparkles. Her favorite...has not been found.

Miss Piggy found hers, though.

I have lots of fun on Slattern Day in the blog!


  1. I love that Basel Al-Aswad wanted to come to the Irish immigration exhibit. It's just the kind of thing I do love, actually.

  2. Oh, and originally I was trying for a pun on green here, I gave up. But then I happened to click on your poem Winter Starlings. The last line is synchronous enough.

    I don't know if you know that I have an ongoing novella series that features among other things, one plucky starling. And I'm sure that you don't know that I am editing one of them right now.

  3. Ah, Seana, your starling has made it a Random Coinciday!

    Yes, Basel is that kind of man! Now I am going to tell him about an upcoming visit from the Interfaith Amigos!

  4. This sounds like the perfect type of Slattern Day! I spent most of mine in the recliner reading a mystery novel...not as social or informative. :)


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