
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lion and Lamb

March winds have roared in wild as a lion, but the recent temperatures here in the Midwest have been mild as a lamb. So which is it, lion or lamb

And Wikipedia of course provides more weather lore.

I'll be AWPing...heh heh...for the next couple of days, and, as if to show me my tensions and worries, I had a morning dream of trying to find the bathroom, finding it, and discovering it to be co-ed, with distinguished-looking writers, male and female, lounging around in the lounge area. And, of course, the stalls, preventing any actual peeing. Sigh....

So I won't be blogging till after the event. Will be attending panels, readings, receptions, etc., and reading for Adanna Journal Saturday night. (See Events on the right.) Hoping to meet some people I've met only through their work or online, and to run into old friends. There will be 10,000 people there, I hear.

Happy March! (Beware the Ides.)


  1. Dang! I hate those coed bathroom dreams. Just found the scrap of paper in the big pile with the Note To Self to write down dream landscapes and interiors. Scrap dates from a month ago, but it is never too late to start, right? Enjoy your big event, and may the stalls all have t.p.

  2. I would have a dream like that. Totally.

  3. Enjoy AWP, Kathleen! I look forward to hearing about your adventures there.


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