
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Potluck O' the Irish

St. Patrick's Day has come and gone, but the new exhibit is still up (& will be through the summer of 2014!) at the McLean County Museum of History, The Greening of the Prairie: Irish Immigration and Settlement in McLean County, and tonight some of us will be celebrating it with a poetry reading: Potluck O' the Irish.

So any of you locals, please come join us, and bring cookies. Shamrock cookies!

No need to fear poetry! It will be fun, with narrative poems recreating Irish history and myth, lyric poems in free verse, and even some rhyming poems, echoing Irish folk song and ballad. Themes of luck and greening will weave themselves into the history, and some of the poems are in the form of letters.

Seven readers: me, my mom (Peg Kirk), James Dunnington, Candace Armstrong, Ginny Nappi, Judy Boudreaux, and Jan Neuleib. Come and support them!

And be sure and visit the exhibit tonight, before or after the reading, later, or again. There's a lot to see, read, and learn, and a big loom as soon as you walk in the door!

And now I should be showing a bit o' the green.

That's one of my collage bookmarks. With butterflies on it. Fake money. Not a bribe.

Shamrock cookies. Bring some!


  1. How wonderful that you and your mother are participating in the same reading. Have fun!

  2. Thanks, Maureen! I'm sure we will.

    And I'm just joking, all, about the shamrock cookies. Unless you bring them. Then I'll eat them and be glad.

  3. And the money will fly away on gossamer wings.


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