
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

State Champs!

We won, we won, we won! Congratulations to the 7th grade volleyball team at Kingsley Junior High School, and their wonderful coach! State champions! The girls played at the top of their abilities, full of confidence and joy. "We peaked!" said Coach Tony Rio, tickled pink.

What a thrill it is to see the area girls play in this lively sport. It was a joy to see some of the teams from all over the state, to know how hard they've worked. And I felt the pang of disappointment in many, also part of the learning process. Our region is a particularly tough and talented region, and we don't always make it out, so we feel for the talented players left behind at regionals this year. And KJHS is going to have a great 8th team next year, too, so watch out!

The team came home with individual medals, a trophy for the trophy case, and a Rawlings game ball. I think the players will sign it, and it will go in the trophy case, too.

Escape Into Life site maintenance is done, so I've done more AWP recap over there, at EIL at AWP. Poetry features will resume soon.


  1. Great news for the team! Congratulations. Everyone must have been so excited.

    Will pop over to EIL to read the piece there.

  2. I never had doubts! Between the dedicated coach and tremendous mom fan they were assured of taking a victory lap of sorts. Congrats :)

  3. Big congratulations to you and the team. How good!!

    Sounds like AWP was fantastic. I hope to attend next year!

  4. Thanks, Hannah. Yes, I think you would love AWP!


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