
Sunday, April 29, 2012

5th Sunday

I have a cool church. We celebrate National Poetry Month by devoting a Sunday to reading aloud some favorite poems by others, or original poems. Today was the day, in a busy April that conveniently provided a 5th Sunday.

What struck us today was how many people from the congregation shared poems of their own! You know you are in a trusting, accepting group of people when that can happen.

Cool weekend all around. Last night we went to an art show/auction fundraiser and came home with postcard-sized art. Hubby got a painting called Majestic Giraffe, I got a beaded mini-quilt set of theatre masks by Barbara Miller, and our daughter got a photograph called Rock-O-Plane by local photographer Dana Colcleasure, and we got to chat with her that night.

I almost put my "auction" sticker on Rock-O-Plane myself, but thought I should look at all the art before claiming a piece, and then the crazy quilt called to me, me, me. So I was super glad that the Rock-O-Plane came home with us, after all.

This is Wikipedia's Rock-O-Plane, not Dana's.


  1. Sounds like a Sunday well-spent (much better than dusting)!

    -Barb the French Bean

  2. That is wonderful that your church does that. It is so heartening to know how many readers and writers there are in the world!

  3. What a great idea! Might have to adopt it for an event next year.

  4. I think Dana's rock-o-plane also won a spot at the new transportation center, so your daughter's taste is clearly very good!

  5. reading this has restored me. what a great church you attend! and isn't it something how a piece of art speaks to you?!


  6. So glad, Sherry!

    Thanks to all for dropping in on a 5th Sunday!


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