
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Amazing Grace

Remember how I was sort of blue on (Blue) Monday because of the recent departure of visiting family wamily? Well, family wamily will be passing through again on a college visit this Friday!

Here is the new poetry feature just up at Escape Into Life: Christina Lovin. With the amazing performance art photographs of Paula Herrera Nobile.

The one above is called Last Days of My Sofa.

For more poetic amazement, check out the poem up now at Linebreak, "Metaphysical," by Michael McManus. You can read it and/or hear it read.

And in the "Would you wear this?" department, check out the headdress in my niece's blog, Bowl of Bees!

Poem-a-day prompt for April 4: an unexpected blizzard! It could happen. And did, in my childhood. But you can make it a Dairy Queen Blizzard if you want. Or a blizzard of blossoms.


  1. Thank you for the intro to the work of Christina Lovin, and the artwork of Nobile, which requires more than one look.

  2. Oh, my! That sofa looks so much like the fungi I saw on my Monday hike! And tell your niece she can order 50 jumbo duck quills from Oriental Trading Co. for nine bucks.

  3. And then she can dye them bright blue and superglue them to her forehead!! We all can!

  4. Keep that superglue away from your eyelids, ladies and gents. Please.

  5. Hmm, you sound like you know what you are talking about, Kim!

  6. That sofa...o_O

    -Barb the French Bean

  7. I would make it a blizzard of lizards! Because I saw one sitting in the middle of the street on my way to the store tonight. It's a weird one way street, so I think it will probably be okay.

    The invertebrate world is making itself known to me lately. I wonder if life is trying to tell me I have no backbone.

  8. Spring is unfolding so boldly!

  9. Seana, I did read a poem about a blizzard of lizards yesterday! By a poet in Australia!

    Ruth, yes! Sofas blooming in the trees!

  10. What a most excellent feature in EIL!


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