
Friday, April 6, 2012

Tired, Need Wine

Sometimes it takes a whole day of doing other stuff to come up with the poem for the day's Poem-a-Day prompt, which, today, for my workshop, was "the idea of the good." I did not realize, of course, that talking about irresistible grace, one of the 5 points of Calvinism, would play right into that, and would pretty much insure some trying moments in my life in the interim, testing my graciousness, which surely adds to my present fatigue. Anyhoo, I have a sparkling pinot grigio in the fridge, and my sister's back in town!


  1. Have a lovely Easter weekend, Kathleen.

    There's a fun found poetry prompt on The Phillips Museum's blog (The Experiment Station) today, and a call for poetweets for NYC's Poem-in-Your Pocket. I submitted to both.

  2. Ching-Ching!
    And have a wonderful weekend! Happy Easter!

  3. Happy Easter, Passover, Spring Weekend, or Whatever to all! And thanks for the poetry tips, Maureen.

  4. Enjoy the wine and weekend. Happy spring!

  5. Wine chilling in the fridge is always celebratory! Unless it's red wine. DON'T chill red wines!

    -Barb the French Bean

  6. And you are very French, so you would know, French Bean!


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