
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Anne Lamott is Looking for a Boyfriend...

...and I am happy to help her out. I enjoy her books and her sense of humor. She's honest about all of life's crapola and can still laugh. I liked Anne Lamott long before I knew about The Bloggess, and she (Jenny Lawson, on her book tour now for Let's Pretend This Never Happened) makes me laugh, too. In fact, I think if The Bloggess got on it, she and her fans could find a nice boyfriend for Anne Lamott. Or Amelie (of Amelie). Or me, as I have sort of a good track record with this kind of thing, oddly enough.

He needs to be a Democrat in the San Francisco Bay Area, 55-65, smart, funny, spiritual, and healthy. You can read all about it by "liking" her on Facebook. Her son is looking for a girlfriend, too, but wait!--didn't he have a girlfriend, the mother of his child? Hmm, I need to read the new book mom and son wrote together, I guess, Some Assembly Required: A Journal of My Son's First Son. I'm pretty sure this boyfriend should read all of her books first.


  1. That boyfriend for Annie should have a twin for me...

  2. I think you just added that to the requirements!!

  3. Amélie, however, did end up having a boyfriend, a certain quirky Nino who liked to collect discarded photomaton photographs. ;)

    Even Amélie was able to find her soul mate!

    -Barb the French Bean

  4. Yes! Yay for Amelie!

    I am similar to her in arranging things.

    I think my quirky grammar here makes it look like Amelie needs a boyfriend. Or I do. But she got one. And I don't.

  5. I have read her latest book, and since you haven't, I won't spoil anything by saying more.

    I liked her latest book well enough, but not nearly as much as some of her others.

    In fact, I don't like it well enough to even keep it. Would you like it? I'd be happy to mail it to you.

  6. She is hilarious. I like her criteria, which are also about right for me. Oh, but I guess I don't need a boyfriend. :-)

  7. We will hope that she finds the right guy, eh?

    Thank you, Kristin, and, if any of my book group gals are reading, I will pass this book around among us!

  8. if there are any leftover- keep me in mind. :)

  9. Yes, I think women are now standing in line for any of Anne's gentlemen callers.

    But, Sherry, you could try your own Facebook campaign!!

  10. Visiting via E's blog.

    Love Anne Lamott--and Amelie, too.

  11. I can attest to your incredible powers of Yenta-hood. (Is that the right word?) Anne should hire you, for sure!

  12. I will notify my brother (B2), who is a Democrat, smart, funny (if by funny you mean kind of weird), not spiritual in the traditional meaning of the word but an excellent plant whisperer, and much more healthy now than when he was dying from smoking a few years ago. Now if you can just convince Annie to take up basketball, I think we may have a match.

  13. Cathy, I think you might be right! Annie played tennis, so I think there might be wiggle room here. And she's kind of weird, too! I think the plant whispering might be the clincher!!


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