
Monday, May 21, 2012

A Little Gilded Cage

New review up at Prick of the Spindle, in The Poetry Cheerleader column, a very short review of The Body is a Little Gilded Cage, by Kristina Marie Darling, which has this fabulous cover. (I want that mesh heart purse.) (But I don't want to put anything in it.)

As the subtitle says, it is "a story in fragments & letters," and it's H.D.'s story, Hilda Doolittle, a contemporary of Ezra Pound, labeled H. D., Imagiste by him.

Meanwhile, in garden, the lupine and balsam planted from seed this season are coming up, thanks to a blessed rain and days of glorious sun. To use the pathetic fallacy, the pinks and spiderwort seem very happy. And the day lilies, previously stunted, have stretched their elegant necks. I'm sure they'll open orange as ever.


  1. Lupines!! It reminds me of this book about the "Lupine Lady:"

  2. And your catmint, and nettles. What beautiful words "lupine" and "balsam" are. Maybe some of the most lovely in the language.

    As is "Imagiste" in French.

    But there really are worrisome tidings of the flora in Michigan. Our entire bounty of plums and pears, and some apples, which seemed to be abundant beyond imagining, were stunted by a late frost. Now they are no more, and the majority of the state's cherry crop has been annihilated by the same. I am quite sad about it, and I wonder how the grower business will survive.

    But we can rely on the day lilies.

  3. Oh, dear, sorry to hear that about the Michigan fruit. Yes, changes are upon us.

  4. Just saw a note about this book elsewhere and added it immediately to my to-read list!


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