
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Midwestern Mistral

Today we had a huge wind blowing all day. Now it is always windy out on the prairie and farmland where I grew up, but today the wind in town was just as strong, coming from the south or southwest, warm and dry, so not really like the mistral, the cold north wind in France. But it was fun to say "Midwestern Mistral" as a title on this wild Thor's Day in the blog.

In the southwest flower bed, several stems of spiderwort and Dianthus (cottage pinks and Sweet William) were blown down, parallel to the earth. If they don't stand up soon, I suppose they can still live there, or I can bring some in for vases.

The flowers in these vases are by Jonathan Koch, Rose in a White Vase and White Camellia in Green Vase.


  1. Ah, beautiful flowers.

    Happy weekend to you, Kathleen!

  2. And to you, Hannah!

    Happy Memorial Day weekend to all. Sweet wishes and fond memories to you in all your memorial visits, and I hope you have fun/family wamily plans, if that's possible and good for you!


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