
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Peeled Valencia Orange

Ah, it's a Fat Tuesday of joy in the blog, with a new painting, Peeled Valencia Orange, by Jonathan Koch, new seeds in the ground (delphinium, balsam, gloriosa daisy), and many things blooming: purple iris, cottage pinks, delicate Sweet William, and golden columbine like stars in the afternoon.

Just back from the Re:Verse poetry reading at TheatresCool--well attended, great fun, always lovely to read with Kathryn Kerr. Fun open mic, too. Animals were there--Kathryn's turtles, Judy's behemoth/hippo, and I had crows, a whale, dolphins, and a manatee. And all kinds of humans and ways of being human. And laughter, and awe.


Updated for those who were asking:

Cassandra poems here at blossombones and here at Arsenic Lobster. Thank you!


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!