
Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Heat

Yesterday's beach scene art and beach umbrella used as a parasol to shade a little girl...still applies today, in the beastly heat. Or ...

I called my parents to encourage them 1) to stay in air conditioning 2) not to golf in the afternoon (golfing achieved in the morning) 3) not to mow the lawn (even on a tractor mower). I believe my loving advice was heeded.

Tonight my dad will tell bedtime stories to kids for a Night at the Museum! I think it will be cool enough there, in all senses of the word!

The heat, which, at Wikipedia, can refer to a number of things, is dragging us down for sure, making it a Cranky Doodle Day and a Slattern Day at once. There is a breeze coming in through my lower-level office window, usually a cool area of the house, but it is like the breeze when you open the oven door to take out a bubbling apple pie.

Thanks to Facebook for the 100+ heat image and to the Supreme Court for saying healthcare is Constitutional.


  1. Yes, thank you Justice Roberts and Gracias Kathleen for all your words. 'Cool' in every sense of the word.

  2. I highly advise that you invest in plenty of cool beverages. Stat!

    -Barb the French Bean


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