
Monday, June 4, 2012

Over the Top

All morning it was overcast, and I did necessary chores, editing work, and errands. Just now the sun came out, and so did a blue jay. I stood gazing at him for a long time, then carried on with my yard chore (collecting some columbine seeds); he was unconcerned. Then I moved toward the woodland corner, looked up in the trees and saw the downy-chested fledglings. It's a whole family!

I know blue jays can be bossy, noisy, and sometimes eat littler birds, but they are so beautiful! Thanks to Wikipedia and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife service for the blue jay image!

Meanwhile, as summer issues keep pouring out, I have some more poems up online, this time at Fickle Muses. Like a blue jay, Cassandra is sort of over the top in this set of persona poems that took over my life last fall. (The title leads into the first line in two of these, so just ignore my name):

Cassandra Stands in Front of the House

Cassandra Goes Over the Top

Cassandra Teaches Everything to Her Brother


  1. As a Sandra, I've always loved Cassandra a little too much. Love the second poem esp., with the volleyball references. Kudos!

  2. I love these, Kathleen, but the link to the C. Goes Over the Top poem doesn't seem to work. And I don't wanna miss any of these Cassandra poems!!! congrats!

  3. Oh, but some of us have heard of Cassandra. We've even raised a few flags ourselves. Nobody listens. And bleacher seats don't really support our backs.

  4. Thanks, all! Not sure what happened to the links, Carol, but when I click, they are still working.

    Sandy/Sandra, that's so neat. Like Collagemama, I think a lot of us connect to Cassandra!


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