
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Berry, Berry Good Day

Yes, I am having a berry, berry good day, thanks to these Raspberries in a Cup with Blackberries, by Jonathan Koch. I did not eat any, since they are made of paint, but I did have actual cherries for breakfast.

And yesterday, I watered the actual raspberries in the back corner of the yard. They are surviving.

I have been working outside on a long-term freelance editing project than can be done at a table in the shade. I have been moving forward at a slow, intuitive pace with various other writing projects.

And I had a poem acceptance yesterday--yay!--that balanced the rejection that started the week. This journal accepted the one poem that was simultaneously submitted, so I had to withdraw it from the other place, which was prompt and friendly and congratulatory in responding to my immediate notification, which is all good!

Tonight, I will visit with friends again to remember and gently mourn Phyllis. And drink cosmopolitans.


  1. Congrats on the acceptance!

    Oh, and I for one will not gently drink my cosmos, just an FYI.

  2. Do not go gently into that good cosmo.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!