
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Calming Down

Things have calmed down a bit here in our community, after yesterday's school shooting. No one was hurt, the police and school district handled things according to policy, and there will be counseling services on hand when school resumes Monday. Around here, we were glad for the weekend, so people could  handle their trauma with loved ones. My daughter is fine and had time with friends, so they are all feeling better. She was also able to retrieve her medical supplies from her school locker and, later in the day, her backpack from the classroom, where everything gets left behind as part of the lockdown procedure.

Here is a good account of what happened, praising first-year teacher Derrick Schonauer.

And here, again, is the great interview of Sean Kennedy by Charlie Schlenker of WGLT radio. It was linked at Huffington Post yesterday and got so many hits that the university's web server crashed. So go easy on it.

Thanks to Pamela Callahan for these birds, Heaven Sent.


  1. So glad it had a happy outcome (nobody hurt, maybe the 14 year old will actually get help, and realize people do listen).

    I'll have to send you some bird photos, too.

    Very calming.


  2. I'm glad everyone is safe. Hugs to you and your girl.

  3. Sending hugs to the whole family wamily. So glad to hear that you all are safe.

  4. I had no idea this had happened to your community, Kathleen. I'm glad there was no death or injury but I'm sure you will all be dealing with the event in some form or another for awhile.

    Yes, a very brave teacher and one with incredible presence of mind.

  5. i heard the local interview. Such presence from the class and teacher. So glad everyone is safe, including the boy.

  6. Just catching up with my blog reading, and so glad that everyone is safe.


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