
Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Yesterday, September 11, I carried on with the day's activities and observed blog silence, leaving up Blue Monday's Group Hug, quiet solace after our local trauma. I didn't know yet about the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens (on September 11), very sad news. Also sad: the immediate politicization of it in the USA in terms of the upcoming election, rather than its own larger context and its personal contexts of grief.

Group hug.

Then I went to Facebook to retrieve this Coexist image for you, because of how it fits current events and because of the coincidence of seeing the slogan on a license plate (from Kansas) last night at a restaurant after an away volleyball game.

But, first, I encountered a link to an article at xojane written by my niece, Jessa, about...being dumped by a meme: "It Happened to Me: I Got Dumped by a Meme." Read it. Then you'll know everything.

Her blog is in my blogroll, Bowl of Bees, where you'll find more of her wonderful writing, and some vegetarian recipes and fun fashion. Her ex-boyfriend's blog used to be on my blogroll, too, but that was before he was a meme-who-dumped-her. But I wish him well with his short fiction, just as I wish Jessa well with her writing and her stand-up comedy. But I love her, and am loyal to her! He'll get along just fine without my support. He's got that typewriter, and, apparently, a new girlfriend.

Nonetheless, I'm sure we can co-exist.

And, finally, on this Hump of the Week Poetry Someday Random Coinciday, the new poetry feature is up at Escape Into Life: Jill Khoury. Poems that squeeze and wrench the heart, and arresting photographs by Viktoria Sorochinski.


  1. you always have what i am missing when i come here. i think- how did she know? how does she anticipate me? (ha- but it is never about me, but about something so much bigger- and that is what you remind me when i come here). i'm off now to follow your links. thank you!


  2. I love this post, Kathleen. Thanks for the thoughts on 9/11 and the lovely pictures. All evocative as a meditation.

  3. I loved your niece's post---that was fun to read! Poor gal. Social media makes everyone present in our lives, whether they are wanted or's harder to extricate ourselves, I think.

  4. Read your niece's post, and must say I didn't see the ex on my visit to the Highline. But I can still imagine spilling my gelato into the typewriter.

  5. Oh, yeah--I forgot--I saw the Santa Cruz reference on your nieces' blog, and now I've been imagining that I see her ever since.

  6. You probably ARE seeing her! She loves bookstores.


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