
Thursday, September 20, 2012

These People

It's Thor's Day in the blog, the day that, if I had a hammer, I'd hammer out protest songs in the morning, etc., all over this land. I'd sing out, "Justice!" I'd sing out, "Listen!" I'd sing out, well, yes, "Love between my brothers and my sisters....!" Thank you, Pete Seeger and Lee Hays.

And thank you to these people, who represent the 47% that Mitt Romney said he doesn't care about*, who are writing letters to him over at the We Represent the 47 Percent blog. And thanks to Juliana Baggott, who started it. And if you'd like to write a letter and submit it, you can, too!

*"those people"

And/or, take up your own hammer, banjo, or blog, and say or do whatever you need to say or do. "We're all in this together."

And, if you are at a new address, or newly able to vote, remember to register before October 9 to be able to vote on November 6.

(And find out if you are going to need a photo ID at the voting booth! Sigh....)


  1. But no violence, please. Those hammers are dangerous!!

  2. Down here you might have to prove you aren't dead! "A new state law requires that voter rolls be checked against the Social Security Administration's death master file. The agency had flagged about 81,000 voters statewide who are potentially dead."

    I miss Mary Travers' voice.

  3. This is so off topic, but it reminds me that yesterday I went into the back room at work and one of the guys pulled out a giant, I mean three foot long wrench that had been misshipped to us. And then another guy pulled out a smaller but still enormous wrench. And of course, being guys,they started mock battling with them and talking about a new show they would do called Wrench Wars. Which, given television these days, might just have a little run time...

  4. What, and the banjos aren't?

    (BTW, I'd comment more if the Turing tests weren't so impenetrable. Five tries and counting...)

  5. Dave, indeed the banjos are dangerous! In all kinds of ways!

    Seana, yes, Wrench Wars (and Dueling Banjos).

    Oh, sigh...prove you are not dead. That's a good one. I hope it will not entail reading code words like the ones here to prove you are not a robot.

    Dave, I've found them easier to read sometimes if I only glance at them, not stare or focus.

    Again, sigh....

  6. Thank you Kathleen and Benjamin Paloff and Julianna Bagget and Olivia Ghafoerkan.

  7. Romney's sweeping statement about Palestinians not being interested in peace shows he is out of touch with foreign affairs too. 95% of them are desperate for peace like anyone else (according to a Palestinian I know), it's just the leadership that is not.

  8. I guess if I paid $2 million a year in taxes, I'd have an attitude too!

  9. catching up with you and soaking up some of the grace you likely deny is a part of you. i feel it. :)

    and i have been loving the 47% blog...i hope the 53% read and reconsider.

  10. Thank you, Sherry. The feeling is mutual. I'm behind, however, in the catching up! Ack!


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