
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Catastrophe Theory

OK, so yesterday's blog entry wasn't really about It, that Stephen King novel, but today's blog entry is really (sort of) about Catastrophe Theory, a new chapbook by Susan Yount (which I have ordered and eagerly await from Hyacinth Girl Press.) That is, the new feature up at Escape Into Life features two poems from that book, other poems that scare me, and scary art by Joseba Eskubi, some of which you can also see here.

There's a scary face inside that first collapsing house, for instance. I got chills when I realized it was there. Because there's a scary guy inside Yount's poem "Catastrophe Theory," too! Look for more scary poems, including another by Yount, in a special Halloween feature later this month at Escape Into Life.

Yount's book cover and another of the Eskubi paintings show burning houses. One of my childhood fears was house fire, and it came true in adulthood, but we all survived, so these images and poems really get to me. Of course, there's other scary stuff in the poems, so brace yourself.

Meanwhile, life has plenty of good stuff going on it. Last night was Senior Night at the high school, the last home game for my daughter's volleyball team. Sweetness and school colors--orange and black--and lots of team spirit, school spirit, and fan support. We are very proud of our girl.


  1. I'll look forward to that Halloween feature.

    Love the evocative artworks that complement the poems so well.

  2. Thanks, Maureen, and I loved seeing your blog poem on the EIL Facebook page!

  3. Gorgeous issue of Escape Into Life--Susan's poems are so powerful! And those paintings so...liquidy if you know what I mean. Stunning!

  4. Thanks, Carol. I do know what you mean!

  5. Dear lord, that is terrifying (those images). But I also love them.

    Hope you have a wonderful that fall energy!

  6. Thanks, Hannah. It's gorgeous out there now!


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