
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Emily Pumpkinson

Lately, in my early morning drive, the full October moon, setting in the west, has been wearing a tippet made of tulle in the form of gauzy white cloud cover. Here is Emily Pumpkinson wearing hers!

My daughter took these pictures for me, and I got the decoupage idea from this excellent article on "Bookish Pumpkins," though I failed to watch the tutorial and risked spray gluing my fingers together.

But I had lots of fun, and will dispose of Emily before she rots, saying a sad goodbye to all those buttons.

See the ghostly little halo under her nether parts? That's made of tulle, too!

And here she is with Judge Otis Gourd on our kitchen table. Happy at last! He's in a stiff collar and black bow tie, and his wife has died, clearing the way for their romance.

Indeed, here is a photo from their hasty imaginary wedding. It's a little blurry, as they were in a hurry!

And if faceless or poetry-faced pumpkins aren't scary enough for you, go on over to the Poetry of Fear at Escape Into Life.

Happy Halloween!


  1. I LOVE those flying housesS!!! How wonderful...and the poems are indeed scary. Scary and good!

  2. Is Emily wearing a bra under all that poetry? inquiring minds want to know.

  3. Kim, I think she discarded her corset. That, or poet Billy Collins took it off for her!

    Carol, I love the flying houses, too!

  4. Great feature at EIL today! The artwork is wonderful. Always such marvelous pairings of word and image.

    Might be interesting to document the demise of those pumpkins.

    Happy Halloween!

  5. Good idea, Maureen. I'll see if my daughter wants to take pictures of the rotting. Horror/Poetry photojournalism.

  6. I love the concepts of pumpkins in corsets and slowly rotting pumpkin married couples.

  7. Just keepin' it real on Halloween. Heh.

  8. Poor wife! I wonder if Emily P. is really as innocent as she looks. After all, once a girl discards her corset...


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