
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Quite at Home

It's Poetry Wednesday over at Escape Into Life, a poetry blog day for me, so I've posted a mini-review of Sarah J. Sloat's wonderful chapbook, Homebodies (Hyacinth Girl Press, 2012). The amazing art, there and here, is by Kim Joon, one of EIL's feature artists. Look for a scary-poetry feature at EIL on Halloween, and a new solo feature in early November.

It may go up to 80 today, so it'll probably be a home and garden day for me, a chance to harvest some more balsam seeds. Maroon mums are blooming but need to be propped up after recent hard rains. The lawn is covered with yellow sweetgum leaves, but it's been a little too wet or windy to rake. Um, the neighbors managed some raking, but not me.
My daughter has a powder puff flag football game tonight, to benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation, about which I have very mixed feelings. I am glad to raise money for breast cancer research, but I tend now to choose other ways. Including postage stamps. She wore a bright pink shirt to school, and I saw the other senior girls arriving in bright pink, as well. I think she doesn't want us in the stands for this, but we'll see.

Her volleyball team played its last game last night, losing in Regionals, but she had a great game, so I'm glad she ended her season on a high note!


  1. Thanks so much for reviewing my chap, Kathleen. I love that artwork, too. Very imaginative.
    Up to 80? Jeepers, it's nearly November.

  2. Local global warming. Heh. Don't worry. It'll 45 on Saturday.

  3. Happy 80 degrees in October :(. I do not like it....freaky.

  4. Love that porelain art and Sloat's work.


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