
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Red Sea Fan

I suppose I am a fan of the Red Sea, though I have never been there, except in my imagination and, recently, via reading The Innocents, by Francesca Segal, in which characters vacation there, in the port city of Eilat (sometimes aka Elat, also a female name for God...*).

How's that for a Random Coinciday return to blogging, thanks to my new Acer monitor, cheaper than repairing the switch on the Dell, which is already recycled, thanks to Best Buy? Thanks, also, to advice from Advance Computing, a local computer repair shop. We will give you our business on affordable repairs, and I love the glittery blue pencil with your name and number on it!!

But this Red Sea Fan, Coral, Shells is another fine painting by Jonathan Koch.

*and the one I chose during a wonderful mystical Sufi moment in the desert of Tucson, Arizona...hard to explain...!

Hello again. So, I think things are back to normal here. New monitor is a couple inches wider than the old one (which should be good for watching Glee on hulu). At first I put the little stand on backwards (spatial challenge, as well as technology challenge!...but I am good on the Sufi mysticism stuff), and, after a week and a half of no action on my computer it was super slow, as if it had to wake up, clean itself up, and remind itself how to work, but, here we go now!

While I was gone, I got poems rejected and accepted, did a jillion outdoor performances in a variety of weather conditions, and watched a bunch of old movies to warm up and wind down from that, while drinking wine. (I drank all the wine in my house.)

And ate Chinese food.


  1. Maybe you can explain the Sufi moment in another post...

    I had a week off the computer recently due to technical difficulties as well. (Though I checked email at work.)It was interesting, both in its pluses and its minuses.

    Welcome back.

  2. I remember your computer time out. Sigh... And, yes, there were indeed pluses and minuses to mine...!

  3. May your Acer bring good luck and good blogging. I have a tiny Acer netbook notebook thingy that is working well.

  4. Kathleen--Good luck with your Acer monitor. I have a little Acer notebook computer that works well. Alas, I am unable to see the numbers to prove I'm not a robot, although I'm pretty sure one was AskFat 17. That would be a good name for a robot.

  5. Lovely to be connecting with you all again, robot or not!

  6. Yay--glad you're back and congrats on the acceptances. Can't wait to read your poems.

  7. Thanks, Ted and Carol and...whoa, isn't that a movie?!

    Whew, no.

    And Nancy and Seana!

  8. Is God in Tucson?

    Sorry to ask such an abrupt question, but I really need to know.

  9. Yes, Cathy, and everywhere. Or within.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!