
Friday, October 12, 2012

The Towns, The Barns

Yesterday a new online journal published its first issue! And I am in it, with a poem called "The Towns" about the towns around here and a few in Europe. (Hey, about that Nobel Peace Prize? Way to go, European Union!)

Congratulations to the museum of americana and everybody in it, and its editors, listed here! I very much enjoy the American Carousel Goat on the cover page, who appears to be a somewhat frightening applique on a sort of quilt patterned cloth. (I hope it is OK to reproduce it here, as part of this announcement about the new magazine! If not, let me know, and I will take it down.)

Tomorrow,* I am among the poets who will be reading poems written about barns and the barn quilt squares on them, in the kickoff event for the Barn Quilt Heritage Trail of McLean County, Illinois. (Likewise, I hope it is OK to use their logo to promote this fun event!)

Our program, Words on Quilts, is at 10:00, *Saturday, October 13, on the grounds of the David Davis Mansion, and there will also be twirlers, balloons, and music by Don't Fret.

I got to write about the Baltimore Rose Quilt square on the Carriage Barn at the David Davis estate. David Davis went to Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, and so did I! I also played his wife, Sarah Davis, in Evergreen Cemetery Discovery Walk one year, and visited Sarah's Garden of heirloom blooms this hot, dry summer.

I also got to write a poem about the sweet Jersey cows of the Ropp Jersey Cheese Farm! I love my life.


  1. Ah, today I will think through a long list of towns, but the President and the astronaut were in Lincoln.

  2. I like the idea that my poem may encourage people to ask, "Where was I when this happened?" and also, "When I was here, what happened, and why do I remember that?" And so on.

    I am enjoying all the bits and versions of "americana" in this new mag!

  3. Words on Quilts event clarification. The kickoff event starts at 10, and we are the first official activity, with the reading itself to start at 10:30. Arriving at 10:00 gives you time to park (in neighborhood or on grounds, where parking is limited) and walk around, find the barn, tent, etc.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!