
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Advent Rocks!

We have a wonderful tradition at my church of building an advent wreath in the weeks leading up to Christmas: a layered circle of rocks, greens, animals, and humans. Somehow this connects to Life of Pi and its interfaith comment on human nature, and Pi Patel's important sentence, "So it goes with God." "Somehow," meaning, "Because I am in a state of synchronicity." It comes and goes, but I like it best when it's here.

We do not use these stones with mouths, by Ronit Baranga, but I wish we could!

But that's neither here nor there, nor why I am here! I am here, on the Hump of the Week, also a Random Coinciday and a Poetry Someday in the blog, to announce a new poetry feature at Escape Into Life--Daniel Romo--and the new issue of Redheaded Stepchild, in which I have a poem! It's one of my Cassandra poems. This is a wonderful issue, and I am so impressed by how the poems all weave together. I love those redheaded editors!

Daniel Romo's work is in that "blurry" place between poetry and prose--prose poetry, flash fiction. I like the humor and darkness in his work. I have paired him with watercolor, by Marilyn Cvitanic, available to blur, but also somehow working as a train wreck (the first piece) and an "anonymous tapestry," to quote Romo's interestingly titled second piece.

Here is some more stuff to get you through the hump of the week:

Early Lessons, Poems of Childhood by Kate Bernadette Benedict, an online chapbook. Kate BB rocks!

A super-duper deal on rufous poetry by Karen J. Weyant, the Scrapper Poet. She calls it a Rust Belt Sale!

And now, because I have been complimented on my "sly humor," I wish you a happy holiday season.


  1. I like Daniel Romo, and will be along to check out those poems. Congrats on your poem, too!

  2. I was just talking about Life of Pi with some students today...sounds great. I read the book a while back for a class in was such a fun class (I think it was called Contemporary Fiction--it was basically like semi-academic book club, but in the best way possible). We also read The Reader in that class...I'm so excited for the holidays so I can read a little!!!

  3. I liked The Reader, too. I think I read it before I saw the movie.


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