
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dusting Myself Off

Today is December 1, World AIDS Day, and, in the early "celebrations" of that sad, dark day, the Day Without Art. Some galleries hung cloths over paintings; some theatres went dark. With advances in research and treatment, with so many people alive and thriving, I think the Day Without Art aspect has faded from commemorations of World AIDS Day.

So I am offering art today in the blog, but it is old art, pre-AIDS, a couple of Christmas-shopping Vogue covers!

I am not Christmas shopping today. Nor am I dusting. It is Slattern Day in the blog. But 1) I have been working, on book reviews, poetry features, submissions, etc. 2) there will be laundry (those gym clothes must be clean for PE class) 3) I was dusting, over the past few days, and it felt good! I dusted our bedroom: furniture, books, videos, knick-knacks, photos, and jewelry. Yes, it was so dusty, the jewelry needed dusting. This is costume jewelry, left out in little saucers and glasses or hanging from odd mini-sculptures as my kind of interior decoration. I like it, and I like it even better now that it is dusted off.


  1. My costume jewelry needs dusting, now that you mention it. And you have reminded me of the horrible loss of artists and friends to AIDS.

  2. This is very unslatternly of you. I don't know what to think.

  3. Collagemama, yes. Staying home yesterday (from shopping, events, etc.) was the right thing for me to do for them.

    Seana, I hope I have made up for dusting by being slatternly in the blog lately, as in not very daily.

  4. yes, I suppose that does balance things out.


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