
Monday, December 10, 2012

Google Doodle Pajamagram

I confess to whimsy. I live in synchronicity. This morning, as I pulled out of the driveway to take my daughter to school, NPR was airing a commercial (yes, a commercial) for Pajamagram, where you can find this Hoodie-Footie for Christmas. (I, for one, could never spend that much on pajamas, winter whimsy or not).

When we got to school, I saw more than one high school girl walking toward the school in pajamas! One was carrying a tray of goodies. Please explain! (Never mind, found out, Pajama/Comfy Sweats Day, involves donating to the United Way, daughter is not participating.) OK then.

Got home, clicked Chrome, found Google Doodle on Ada Lovelace (1815-1852), the first computer programmer! Yep! The first computer programmer. Google her yourself, or click above!

Here she is, not wearing pajamas.

Reading about her life, I thought, "Wait! Arcadia, by Tom Stoppard!"  Indeed, I was correct. He based the character of Thomasina, a mathematical genius girl, on Ada Lovelace! Different story, but parallels, and, yes, Lord Byron is a character in the play.

Pertinent because Ada Lovelace was the daughter of George Gordon Byron, aka Lord Byron, the wild Romantic poet! Wooee!

And this is how I live in synchronicity!


  1. Love the hoodie/footie PJs but, yeah, those designers always forget the key flaw. The goal is to stay warm, but there is one bodily need that requires unzipping all the way down...brrrrrrrrrr. So, not worth $$ after all. :)

    Thanks for the nod to Ada Lovelace. She is new to me and I'm intrigued!

  2. More synchronicity! I wrote about her too!

  3. I like the Footie part, Sandy!

    Kristin, I bet we were commenting on each other's blogs at the same time!!

  4. I will have to check and see if Ada Lovelace is featured in the National Women's History Museum.

    Love all that synchronicity!

  5. Oh, no! I've discovered that there are such things as Footie PJ Bottoms! I shall now be ordering. Darn the internet. :)

    Not endorsing this company. Just the first link I found.

  6. Yes, the Internet is a Pandora's box. Of pajamas.

  7. Speaking of synchronicity and good vibrations (from falling down while whirling, during an earthquake), it is also Emily Dickinson's birthday and the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

  8. Pajamagrams with drop-seats? Some aunt used to send us PJs every Christmas when I was a kid. One year we got flannel footie/hoodieless jammies in candycane red and white. We were horrified by the drop-seats until the first really cold night. Then we were astounded by the convenient design!

  9. I saw that Google thing yesterday too. I haven't read enough Byron to evaluate his poetry, but I have always thought he created a lot of havoc in the lives of those around him. So I'm glad to know he also gave us Ada.

  10. Ada may not be wearing her PJs, but I bet she's not wearing any panties either.

  11. Wow ! Thanks for the connection between Lord Byron and Ada Lovelace. There is a movie starring Tilda Swinton about Lovelace --- Love synchronicity.
    Thanks for a lovely post.

  12. Wow, back, Susan! I just looked up the film, and it's called Conceiving Ada, and is part science fiction and involves a double helix! Plus, it's got Timothy Leary in it. Will have to seek this one out for sure. Thank you.


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