
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Goofy Little Epiphanies

I'm drinking coffee from a cowprint got milk? cup and looking at a little black and white cow keychain on my computer desk right after reading cancer guidelines from an old actor friend who says to avoid both milk and coffee.

Inspired by The Bloggess, I looked at the search terms that brought people to my blog.  Here are the top ten:

dove soap
frigate bird
cinco de mayo
evening primrose

Here are people people were searching for instead of me:

Buddy Hackett
Hoss Radbourn
Eddi Reader

Indeed, they are here in my blog.

Someone was also searching for "a cat drinking milk with a x over it." That, I think, is not here in my blog and, apparently, could give the cat cancer.

In the last week a lot of people were looking for the "feast of the epiphany," which, indeed, is today.  In my house, that is a crockpot stew (which I am not eating because it has red meat in it, probably infused with growth hormones). It's Three Kings Day, and in my husband's household in Cuba when he was a child, today was the day he got presents in his shoes.  That did not happen in our house today, nor in my blog.

Answering a request, I counted up how many actual poems I had published in 2012 (not just rejections and acceptances of packets in the 100 Rejections project) and I was astounded to figure out that it was 65 poems!  65?!  Wow!  Part my amazement is that I counted twice, and it was still 65.

And I am glad to say I found an extra wall calendar for 2013 and hung it on my office door, so I think I know what day it is.

But now a song from Pal Joey is playing in my head. (Originally from Too Many Girls, Wikipedia tells me!)

("I Didn't Know What Time It Was")


  1. Wahooooo! On 65 publications! You rock.

    And once again, the hedgehogs win. May replace the kangaroo with a hedgehog and see what happens. :)

  2. I don't care at all about blog stats, but I do wonder about them sometimes. How many of the people who find hedgehogs various places stay and continue reading the next post? And does web traffic really mean anything.

    I don't know if I've come to any blogs through random searching. It has all or I guess I should say almost all been about connections. One blog leads to another.

    I would do another hedgehog test, but frankly I think there are only so many of the hedgehog obsessed I can take.

  3. Which song from Pal Joey? Before I moved to Chicago, I ushered at the Huntington Theatre in Boston, and Pal Joey was one of my favorite productions. And also sixty-five poems? Wow! Congratulations and wow some more! xxx ooo

  4. 65 poems in one year! I haven't had that in a lifetime. :-)

  5. Paulette, "I Didn't Know What Time it Was," which contains the lyric, "I didn't know what day it was."

  6. Congratulations!!! That's! a! lot! of! POEMS!!!!!!

    The song that's stuck in my head right now is a version of "It's Not That Easy Bein' Green" with a doo-wop beat-- a version that doesn't exist anywhere except in my silly punkin' head.

  7. I like your punkin head, and I'm sure Emily Pumpkinson would like it, too.

  8. Love the hedgehogs, but now I'm starting to worrying about cats that drink milk...

  9. Ah, well, the milk is troublesome when cancer is already active, and cats should stop drinking milk after kittenhood, so probably most cats are safe.


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