
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Happy 80th to My Mom!!

It's my mom's 80th birthday. Happy Birthday, Mom!

So far, she has received 53 birthday cards, and the mail has not even arrived yet today, her actual birthday! (It comes in the afternoon.) So I think we'll reach 80 cards, easily!

I made a Facebook "event" for this: Card Shower for My Mom, Turning 80. It was a great way to reach some of her former students and colleagues. She's a retired high school English teacher. Yes, the apple illustrations here are in apple-for-the-teacher mode. Thanks, Wikipedia. My mom faithfully donates to Wikipedia! She's a classy babe.

I sort of giggle (and sort of don't get) that some people responded to the card shower invitation by saying they wished they could come. It was as if they didn't read the few short cheery sentences (and sentence fragments) explaining what to do: mail a card to this address. Nor look at the big picture of a map with the address on it. I thought I was appealing to both visual and verbal learners and Facebookish people far more technological than I am! But maybe I somehow didn't make the map visible, though I made the event visible to "Friends of Guests," which I thought would cover it. Ah, but maybe people don't even click anymore in our point-and-click world. Maybe most information is gathered in a glance...

Do I sound cranky? I'm not. I'm befuddled. But I will add Cranky Doodle Day to the labels on this post! It seems nicely schoolmarmy, and I'm a former schoolmarm, too. (But not as classy a babe as my mom.)

Anyhoo, Happy Birthday, Mom!

(I know you read my blog. But you don't have to comment! Take it easy, eat an apple, have a glass of wine!)


Thanks to Roberta F. for the core and Abhijit Tembheka for the whole apple. Thanks to Roger Griffith (Rosser1954) for putting his apple blossoms in the public domain.

And thanks to my mom for being...a real peach!


  1. Wonderful gesture on your mother's behalf. It's good to know people are willing still to send a card that is not electronic.

  2. Happy Birthday, Kathleen's mom! Hope it is all spectacular.

  3. Happy birthday to your mom! I don't know her, but I do know she raised a great daughter.

    I wish I could come to a card shower too. Although, on reflection, there might be a lot of paper cuts...

  4. Happy happy birthday to your mom!! Hope it's a wonderful day, in-person and on paper.

  5. Thanks for organizing this event. She was so happy and moved when I talked to her yesterday! Peg's other daughter

  6. Thanks all, for these good wishes. And thanks to Peg's other daughter, ...Tim!! (tee hee)

  7. As though I would behave properly to an admonition from a daughter. So here is my comment: I drank wine on my birthday. I will eat an apple today, the day after my birthday. Opening the cards was fun. Reading the memories from some of my former students was especially fun. Getting a huge bouquet of tulips from one of them was a startling surprise. Maybe I'll turn 80 again someday.

  8. Oh, now I long to see the startling tulips!!

  9. 80 is all right, but I hear 81 is fabulous...


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