
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cream Puffs

Just so you know, we celebrated Fat Tuesday with gigantic cream puffs topped with chocolate ganache.

Also, "cream puff" is slang for a wimp or weakling and also for a used car in very good condition.

I am not suggesting anything other than oh-my-god-those-cream-puffs-were-good in titling this Random Coinciday blog post "Cream Puffs" and coupling it with the announcement of the new poetry feature over at Escape Into Life.

It's an early Valentine, a mini-anthology called Men in Love! With art by a woman, whose name, wonderfully, is Joan Proudman. When synchronicity like this happens, I am in my element. It is called bliss. Her name, her paintings, the way they lined up with the men's poems and the holiday. Sigh...! Bliss.

For instance, the one above is called Magic Pony. The pony is surrounded by a perfect storm of valentine hearts. "Love Hurtz," reads the banner. "Rent a Pony."

Of course, I also love the man riding a heart flown by winged time. It's so right, in so many ways. And there is even a painting called Wedding Party to go with Lee Rossi's epithalamion about ex-boyfriends at a wedding!

But if you want pictures of yummy cream puffs, aka profiterole, go here and thank Wikipedia! Back at EIL, be sure to click each poet's name to see his solo feature and Joan Proudman's name to see more of her art!


  1. Wonderful selections at EIL. And I love the artworks. Great fun!

  2. Actually, you would thank the Wikimedia Foundation, but that sentence is such a perfect place to link to Wikipedia.

  3. Thanks, Emily! Yes! Thanks to the Wikimedia Foundation!! AND Wikipedia. They are all wonderful yummy cream puffs!

  4. Bring on the cream puffs - of the edible variety, that is.

  5. They were soooooo good. And now, we gave them up.

  6. Hmm, methinks there may be a little symbolism in these pictures…

    I grew up reading Herb Caen in the daily newspaper, a "three-dot columnist." One of his running things was "Namephreaks"--people whose name mystically coincided with their occupation. One of my all-time favorites was the Catholic Archbishop of the Philippines, Cardinal Sin. Or, closer to home, the man in charge of our garbage collection is named George Dreckman.

  7. What fun, Cathy! I'm always delighted and disturbed that my full name means Pure Virgin Church. Clearly, I missed my true calling. (Or maybe not. Yet.)

  8. So stunning (EIL).
    And I did not know that (used car) meaning of cream puff! :)


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