
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Reviewing the Situation

Imaginary soundtrack: Fagin from the musical comedy Oliver, singing "I've been reviewing the situation..."

Actually, I've been reviewing books of poetry. Here's my review of Patricia Clark's Sunday Rising at Escape Into Life. (One of my joys as poetry editor is keeping up, if I can, with the books and accomplishments of the EIL poets.) The art here (and there) is by Philip Govedare, an EIL artist.

Over at Prick of the Spindle, I am The Poetry Cheerleader, and my review of Everything Reminds Me of Me, by Howie Good, just went up.* He happens to be an EIL poet, too, from before my time as poetry editor there. So it's a Random Coinciday, as well as a Poetry Someday in the blog. Not to mention a Slattern Day, as it's Saturday, and I am very untidy looking.

Speaking of looking untidy, see yesterday's post. (That's me, looking untidy and glassily reflective, and that's my sister, looking crazed.) And, speaking of reviewing the situation, the scarf that was lost has been found.

*The world was about to end when I was reading his book, but it resumed. Just as I have resumed wearing a scarf around the house and doing relentless laundry and dishwashing on a Slattern Day with everyone home for the weekend, having suddenly decided not to drive to Muncie, Indiana for a college visit.


  1. Thank you for the introduction to Patricia Clark. The artwork by Govedare is captivating. Some of the paintings remind me of some of the photography by Burtynsky.

  2. Thanks, Maureen.

    Ah, and I should have mentioned the coincidence that Govedare lives, paints, and teaches in Seattle, where Clark also lived for a time!

  3. So, it wasn't Chris who stole it. (That "accusation" made me actually LOL.)

  4. Emily, she would have had to kidnap the scarf telepathically through her crazed eyeballs.

  5. I lose gloves more often than scarves...and often, just one (dropped in the snow, most likely).

    Glad you're keeping warm and entertained and busy!


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