
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Elastic Week

It's true, I missed a day. I was so busy on Wednesday, it disappeared completely from my memory, and for a moment I thought today was it, Wednesday, the Hump of the Week, "poetry Wednesday" (my day over at Escape Into Life), not Thursday (Thor's Day in the blog), but, it's true, I got to exercise class, which is on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays (oddly), not on Wednesdays, so some part of my origami brain was briefly working.

Anyhoo, it's still Women's History Month in the USA and over at Escape Into Life, so I posted a review of Ren Powell's book An Elastic State of Mind: D.L.D.'s Autobiography in Poems. Dorothea Lynde Dix (1802-1887) was a real woman from real history, and Powell has imaginatively re-created her. And how about the elastic face on that book cover?

The art in the EIL piece is by Nancy Pirri, and I knew I had found the right pairing of art and text when I found her Aphrodite in the EIL Store, after quoting Powell's line, "On a hard night I wake as Aphrodite" in the review. Synchronicity.

(You can own this! If you have $750.)

OK, Thursday is really busy, too, and I've got to get on it. It will soon turn into Friday and disappear.


  1. I love the idea of an origami brain. Now must consider whether my swiss cheese brain may be able to aspire to origami....

  2. Oh yes, I, too, love the idea of origami brain. Thanks for that! I'm just trying to keep my pollen-infested brain from exploding in allergy pain. Tomorrow, I'll aim for Swiss cheese or origami. Maybe by the weekend I can coax old limber yoga brain back!

  3. I bet if you try to make Thursday stick around, it will. Not so sure about$750 coming true.

  4. Bloggingwise, I've lost a week, though not because I forgot about it. So you're doing great!

  5. Thanks for visiting, reading, commenting, and comforting, you all!

    Um, what day is it now?


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