
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Metre Maids

Background music: "Get Happy!" as sung by Judy Garland, and, of course, "Lovely Rita" by the Beatles, which begins, "Lovely Rita, metre maid." And then "Blue Skies," as sung by Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire, in reprise, or Lyle Lovett. Take your pick.

The skies look like this here today, though it snowed last night. ("April is the cruellest month.")

Today is Slattern Day in the blog, so I am letting the Metre Maids do all my work for me. (They are "[s]ome ladies and these dudes [who] blog about poetry.") Jessy Randall blogs about "To Run," the poem by Scott Poole that I posted here and at Escape Into Life, and Sherry O'Keefe, writing on "laundering imagery," reminded me to take my laundry out of the dryer and fold it. So I did.


  1. It was so beautiful here yesterday, I even dared to hang the laundry! It had better not rain on me when I take it down.


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