
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Poem with a Hammer In It

It's Poem for Your Pocket Day. Here's a good one for our times, our mood, our immediate circumstances. You can hear it here, at WBUR, the NPR station in Boston, on the Here & Now show.

The poet, Scott Poole, is one of our EIL poets, so I also posted this news over at Escape Into Life in the EIL Blog, where you can also click on his solo feature.

My brother and sister-in-law ran in the Boston Marathon in a past year, and my niece went to grad school in Boston, so I was in touch with them about this sad thing. They are aware that their running time would have had them crossing the finish line at the time of the explosions, so their empathy is intense, as is the poignancy of their sweet, lucky lives.

It's Thor's Day in the blog. This poem has a hammer in it.


  1. Gracias mi amiga for high lighting this wonderful tribute.

  2. Sounds more like a manifesto than a prayer.

  3. Poetry offers its own kind of solace in a time like this, doesn't it.

    I think a kind of consensus of resilience has grown as a kind of response to this event, which is an encouraging thing to me.

  4. Thank you so much for calling my attention to this hammer of air. I've volunteered at runners aid stations and race finish lines over the years, and felt the enormous energy and spirit as a contact high. You will never stop that energy. Never.

  5. Thanks, dears, for reading. I am also thinking of Dilsey...we not only endure but we prevail with this resilient human spirit!


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