
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Avenue in the Rain

I'm sad. I'm sure we all are. Here is The Avenue in the Rain, by Childe Hassam, posted by Facebook friend and fellow Kenyon College alum Mark Rennie. I found it to express my sadness, our shared sadness, over yesterday's terribly Blue Monday in Boston, on Patriots Day, at what was to be a joyful, celebratory event, the Boston Marathon. I'm going through some personal sadness, too, for which I would appreciate your help, your good thoughts & vibes & light, whatever moral support you can send me. Thank you.


  1. Offering my humble blessings, Kathleen. We have to believe light shines. . . again and again, even in the darkness that envelopes us.

  2. Oh, sorry you feel sad. I have noticed you haven't been blogging lately--hopefully, you'll be okay. :-/

  3. I'm sending all the good thoughts I can drum up right now. Slim pickings, but they're headed your way.

  4. So sad about Boston - thanks for the beautiful art that encapsulates & illuminates our sadness for us.

    And so sorry for your own sadness. Yes, all kinds of good thoughts and love coming to you from here. Hold tight.

  5. Thinking and sending good thoughts your way.

  6. Beautiful, appropriate illustration. Sending good thoughts to help you through.

  7. Sending strength and grace, love and light.

  8. That illustration definitely reflects how the nation mourns the deaths, injuries and sadness of the attack.

    I hope you'll soon be posting a sunny illustration to match your recovery from personal sadness.

  9. Thank you. My mom was just agreeing that we all need some sunshine.

  10. K - sorry for your sadness. You have been one of the most positive influences on my writing and I'll always cherish my memories of your Kirkshop the Workshop on Sunday afternoons. We know that sadness balances joy so I hope that your joy is coming around again soon.

  11. Sending you some good vibes right now. Hope you are feeling better.


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