
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Sprawl of Tulips

I got so many fine flower poems when I asked some of our Escape Into Life poets for them for a May flowers feature in May that I had to create two flower features. The poems do pretty cool stuff with these flowers, as does the artist, Katinka Matson, who created these images by scanning flowers rather than photographing them.

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy the poems in Fleurs de Mai, based on flowers of April, June, and July, as well, that bloom here and in Africa and Australia. Plus, there's sort of a catfish.

And a wedding dress. The phrase "a sprawl of tulips" comes from Peg Duthie's poem, "Remnant." And see that "remnant" of orange tissue paper?--also scanned! Oh, gosh, it's a Random Coinciday.


  1. Really beautiful feature, Kathleen.

  2. Gorgeous artwork. I will be playing with my scanner soon!

  3. Yay, Nancy. Click on the artist's name to learn a little more about her process. And at that feature you'll find a link to her website & learn & see even more!


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