
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bananas and Clematis

Today I woke up to five very ripe bananas and five new blossoms on the clematis vine. Plus, the rose trellis is popping roses, and both the dark purple iris and the lavender blue dilly dilly iris are in full frilly bloom. So I baked two loaves of banana bread, refraining from adding flower petals, though I ate some flowers a couple weeks ago at Station 220, a cool farm-to-table restaurant.

Very busy writing, editing, and sending out submissions lately, catching up after my adventures in the theatre, which sort of continue, but in less intense ways, this summer and fall. And, um, rejections are rolling in again, but nice ones, saying to send more. And a few acceptances, too!

I got a little behind in my poetry book reading & reviewing, but posted a review yesterday of Survivor's Picnic, by Debra Bruce, at Escape Into Life. She has a reading coming up in Chicago on Friday, May 31, with an open mic attached, if you are a poet in that area. (Details at the link.)

I do connect summer with summer reading, even though I am not a student or teacher anymore, tied to an academic schedule. I just read Look Me in the Eye, by John Elder Robinson, the teen & tween paperback edition, minus most of the swear words, and learned so much about Asperger's syndome! And soon my book group will meet to discuss Flight Behavior, by Barbara Kingsolver. (It has butterflies in it.)

Happy reading, happy blooming, and happy banana bread.


  1. Oh, my goodness, sounds like you are being over-run by flowers (the best kind of being over-run!).

    Happy there are blooms and banana bread.

    Good luck with the poems.

  2. Your yard sounds lovely. Enjoy Flight Behavior!

  3. Thanks, Collagemama! I did enjoy the book! I read a little while back and should re-read sections to refresh my brain before we meet.

    My yard delights ME but is not a visual extravaganza to others. I go around to each little area of wild flower or perennial and smile. I have a little flax plant of nodding blue flowers and wish I had more!

  4. The blossoms are climbing the trellis you gave me, Kim! Thank you!!

  5. The pictures and thoughts made my day. Thank you for being my break from grading papers.

  6. Thanks. I know about those needed breaks!!


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