
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May Flowers

What's blooming? Well, in my yard: blue bugleweed, pale lavender creeping phlox, white bleeding heart, dark purple lilacs, yellow lamium, and one straggler of a red tulip. The yellow tulips are all gone. The mauve columbine are soon to open. And maybe the sky blue flax.

Over at Escape Into Life, many flower poems have bloomed, alongside spectacular floral arrangements by David LaChapelle. Really, look closely. Some of them are pretty eerie. Or funny. As well as beautiful. For instance, I wouldn't want to cut my lip on that wine glass. But somebody already has!

And this one's called Wilting Gossip. Isn't that a foot? And a smoking cigarette? And, of course, a tabloid.

Meanwhile, the mountain bluets and lilies of the valley are rising up! The hosta are unfurling their twisted tongues. Oh, and the myrtle are blooming. And the dandelions. And a yellow poppy.

More to come, soon! Virtual and botanical.


  1. That art is just soooo gorgeous--with an edge!

  2. I agree...I love those still lifes. My favorite kinds of still lifes are usually somehow subversive...

  3. This is a wonderful feature, Kathleen, and once again perfectly paired with artwork.

    Lovely to see Kelli's poem there.

  4. The venetian blind is the perfect touch!


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