
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day Lilies

They've begun. The relentless day lilies. I thought it was the first day of summer, because the first one opened, but some calendars tell me that's on Friday...with a full moon on Sunday. It's all fine by me. Weary, though. Distracted. But I'll start again tomorrow. Lap swimming!

Each thing contains its opposite, doesn't it.

My dad is having three-dimensional dreams.


  1. Relentless day lilies....lovely turn of phrase (I feel a poem coming on!).

    Three-dimensional dreams...what are those? Interesting!

  2. Very vivid dreams probably enhanced by pain meds...

  3. Anesthetics from surgery plus pain meds do some wild things to dreams, especially for older people. Hang in there!

  4. stopped by to see you. followed the string (). we are how our fathers are at times. and yes, those opposites. even as we are pulled in one direction, something is marking our spot and ready to guide us back. staying centered requires that.

  5. Thanks, dears. He's doing well, though annoyed, of course, at losing his power over his daily life. The constant interruptions--necessary, from well-meaning health professionals, doing their jobs!--are hard, too. Lovely people all, in the OSF health care system.

  6. The sounds in a hospital/rehab would make anybody annoyed, along with the interruptions. Beep-beep-beep!


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