
Monday, September 2, 2013

Domestic Labor

Happy Labor Day! It's a gorgeous day here, perfect for a parade. The heat has lifted, the sky is blue, and there's a light breeze. We have family wamily in town: kids home from college and work, brother and his wife in from the west coast, visiting lots of family around here. So various pleasant gatherings going on. A holiday with bits of domestic labor, which, of course, never stops!

Here is a parade of poems, up for the holiday at Escape Into Life. With photography by Monika Nguyen. How about that mysterious and delightful cow?


  1. Love the mysterious cow. Thanks for the link to Nguyen's photos. I want any of these homes!

  2. Thanks! I love the cow and the homes, too.

    There is also a creepiness and/or edginess to the photos, and I even like that. They say to me, "Um, keep alert. Watch out!" etc.


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