
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Delightful Things

1. My daughter is home for a visit!

2. My niece did a great job in a staged reading of a new play at Knox College last night. She played a boy! Wow! Congrats to the student writers, actors, and directors in the Playwrights' Workshop at Knox!

3. The annual Evergreen Cemetery Discovery Walk opens today. (May the rainstorm hold off till night!)

4. Seana Graham is announced as the new Book Review Editor at Escape Into Life! (You can also find her on my blog roll at Confessions of Ignorance.)

5. ...Alongside fabulous book art by Samantha Huang, one of our EIL Artist Watch artists!

6. The morning glories, the morning glories, the morning glories!


  1. Thanks, Kathleen. I love the Samantha Huang illustration of that post. And I'm so happy that your daughter and niece are making your life delightful.

  2. Thanks, Seana--books & book art & delight all over the place!

  3. Love the book art and all the good news.

  4. Books and reptiles before breakfast. It's all good.


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