
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Manual Labor in the Sunshine

Well, we have our Christmas tree! Accidentally on purpose and early. Today my husband and I worked in the sunshine chopping up the snapped pine tree in the yard, and taking down the remaining branches. Trunk and roots will have to wait for another day and heftier equipment. We have hunks of firewood, branches ready for the city to take to its compost heap, and the Christmas tree--the top of the pine, saved for this purpose, to honor it.

Some of you know that I leave the Christmas tree up for rather too long, but only when it is artificial. This one is up early and will go down early, too, by necessity, I imagine. But it is so fresh and smells so good that I think it will make it to Christmas. If not, we will have loved it for a while longer.

Meanwhile, the neighbor's tree still lies fallen in the back yard, most of its leaves still on it--yellow, red, and green! It's beautiful, too, but we are worn out for today, and don't know where to put it, so fallen it will remain. (We hope to hear from our remote neighbor eventually, but we don't mind the large presence in our yard for now!)

Heart goes out to those in Washington, Illinois and East Peoria and many communities in the Midwest hit so hard by the storms. Heart still out, hovering, in the Philippines. Our hearts hover together, a cloud of love and sympathy, that sometimes rains down some practical help. Thank goodness.

Again, in honor of the fallen trees, images by William Lemke.  You can see more here and here.


  1. Honoring the fallen tree makes me happy, along with adjusting the holiday calendar.

  2. Thanks to the tree, our season of love and joy has arrived in my heart as well as my house, and I pulled out the Christmas music.

  3. Those first 3 paragraphs! Very nice, lovely. some small editing would make that a poem, itself.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!