
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Being Human

It's Human Rights Day and Emily Dickinson's birthday. Happy Birthday to Emily, and we were all born with our universal human rights. It's just hard holding on to them.

Sadly, Eleanor Parker has died, and, now that her death has been announced, the snarknado will probably start to swirl again, and somebody will say that Carrie Underwood's Sound of Music did her in. (See how easy it is to be snarky? What's harder is to sing well, sing while acting and dancing and wrangling children, and hold up under relentless public criticism. But I sure wish Carrie hadn't brought Jesus into it.) Here's Eleanor Parker as the Baroness, realizing the Captain is in love with Maria. Sigh....


  1. Jesus was in the remake of the Sound of Music? I had no idea!

  2. now now everyone, these are the few days where we're supposed to be kind to each other.

  3. Ah, thanks for the reminder and gentle encouragement, Nene! I do hope to resume kindness once I get over my Scroogy moment of snark despair. I did not read the article, but I saw a tag line on my MSN home page that said Carrie thought her critics needed to "meet Jesus" or something like that. That kind of sentiment makes it hard for non-Christians to hold onto to their universal human rights. Sigh...

    Then there's The Bloggess, irreverently at hand to cheer me up:


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