
Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Woke up to fog today, and perhaps drifted through the day in a fog...  Many chores and tasks accomplished, a meeting tonight, but I feel a bit floaty.There was the promise, via weather report, of higher temps, so I thought I might tear vines off the fence, but it was too damp, too misty. I collected the last of the morning glory seeds, as it was dry enough yesterday. We finished raking over the last two days, and the leaf sucker machine came by...

Over this past week, I read this book, which appears to be the common book of many colleges and universities, The Submission, by Amy Waldman, about the controversy surrounding the submission of a design for a memorial after a terrorist act. The architect is a Muslim; nothing is simple or clear.


  1. We cleaned up those morning glory vines on the fence on Sunday. It's a tough job, those vines are pretty incorrigible. But their blooms are worth the work!

  2. Hit this morning and found a Dense Fog Advisory. Coffee could not penetrate. When I got to school the kiddies had it bad.

    Maybe life would be simpler if the leaf sucker came by the curb more often...

  3. The Submission sounds good. I'll have to look for it.

  4. would you recommend it as a 'good' read, Kathleen?

    If you do I will have to forestall finishing one of the other two I'm reading at this time

    I always look forward to your recommendations


  5. It's a good one, yes. The complexity of human beings. The outer life and the inner life. I stayed interested and curious all the way through and then, unexpectedly, I wept.


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