
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Abie Baby

Background music:
"Abie Baby" from the musical, Hair

Happy Birthday, Abie Baby,
Happy birthday to you, yeah!

Also, happy birthday to Charles Darwin! Thank God we evolved!

Also, my white geraniums did bloom, in case you are keeping track!

I reviewed this wonderful book of poems, The Girlhood Book of Prairie Myths, by Sandy Longhorn, in the EIL Blog today at Escape Into Life.

The beautiful cover art is by Marilyn Strother. The book can be found at Jacar Press.

Longhorn, Lincoln, and I have the prairie in common on this Random Coinciday and Hump of the Week in the blog.


  1. The review was great and Sandy's book looks wonderful.

    I recently read a biography on Darwin and his fellow naturalists called Darwin's Armada, so I'm well into celebrating Darwin's birthday as well. Not as much as a friend of mine, though, who has a 123 books on Darwin on his bookshelves...

  2. Wow! That's a lot of books on Darwin!

    Thanks, Seana.


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