
Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I have a poem up in the new issue of Sweet: A Literary Confection. Take a look at the snowy cover and the whole issue--so many interesting connections. My poem, "A Man's World," has several sweets in it, but I love that writer Amy Monticello calls it a "quiet, but razor-edged poem." (So be careful.) Meanwhile, on this Hump of the Week that is also a Random Coinciday, you can read about Scott Klavan at Escape Into Life, linking to his theatre reviews, an extended bio at Heartland Theatre Company, and guidelines for a one-act play competition for Midwest writers, deadline May 1. The theme is Escape! And a buzzfeed quiz informs me that my soulmate is Anton Chekhov, with whom I should drink champagne and think about the meaning of life. Thanks to Wikipedia for the brut cork.


  1. Loved it - great topic, too. I like that journal a lot. Congrats!

  2. Love how you ended that poem.

    Congratulations on the acceptance and publication.

  3. I haven't read your poem yet, or read the bio of my fellow collaborationist at EIL. And I didn't find your quiz, although I tried. But I did find a quiz called Which Famous Person Should You Get Drunk With? and it turns out that I should do that with Benedict Cumberbatch AND Michael Fassbender.Apparently I will have the best night of my life and everyone else will be insanely jealous.

    Which is just so, well, true.

  4. Now I've read your poem, which I loved, and Scott's bio which is quite impressive. I've been enjoying his reviews as well. And I am going to email my cousin about the play contest. Her brother is an actor out your way and he might know some aspiring playwrights.

  5. Great, thanks for spreading the word, Seana! I'm delighted by the Escape coincidence.

  6. I think I've been in that same grocery store aisle. An old man asked me where they put the bacon, he couldn't find the bacon. It reminded me so much of my dad I almost cried.

  7. Feeling for you. Also, I just read the "Kummerspeck" chapter in Sing Them Home, so I am full of grief bacon.

  8. Your poem resonated with me a lot.
    I was wondering recently what my city would look like if it had been designed by women.

  9. Now I'm building cities in my mind!


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!