
Monday, March 31, 2014

What Happened?

Here's what happened. Gidion's Knot, by Johnna Adams. I've been busy rehearsing and opening this relentlessly tense play, and now it's up and running. Whew! Meanwhile, another powerful play, The Exonerated, is up and running, too, and you can read all about it here, at A Follow Spot, Julie Kistler's fantastic blog about area theatre and the arts. I hope I get to see it this week, if I can catch up on all the things I've neglected during the rehearsal period. This morning it was laundry, cleaning the bathroom, and rest. This afternoon, yard work! It's almost 60 degrees. But editing work awaits me, too. Sigh...

Gidion's Knot is the story of a fifth grade boy, as unraveled by his mother and his teacher in a parent-teacher conference of godawful woe. His mother keeps asking, "What happened?" There's another weekend for you to find out.

Fittingly, we are performing in a classroom of the old Bloomington High School, at 510 E. Washington Street, Bloomington, now the home of Mount Moriah Church, yoga and dance classes, and other wonderful organizations. We are in Room 320, down the hall from Illinois People's Action and The Immigration Project. Social justice everywhere.

Thanks to Lori Cook Baird for the classroom photo.


  1. Glad to know why you are a little behind. I'm just relentlessly tense about laundry and cleaning the bathroom.

  2. Ah! Well, as you know, I am often a slattern.

  3. Hi Kathleen.
    I'm hanging out for the cybernetics boffins to get their act together and deliver some robotic housekeeping.

  4. I can see my personal technology challenge cluttering my house with non-functioning but adorable robots.


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