
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Team of Rivals

I finally finished Team of Rivals, by Doris Kearns Goodwin, which I have been reading in sections for the, nine years, evidently. Lately (although what could I possibly mean by "lately" if I just realized it took me nine years to read a book?), I've realized that I tend to read books at exactly the right time, and I finished this book at exactly the right time, as Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on Easter weekend.

Sigh... I wept! I knew what was going to happen, and I still wept! A testament to his character, his legacy, his greatness, and her excellent writing.

You may laugh...or you may not, reminded of our country's great loss...but I wanted to finish the book before I saw the movie! And we have Lincoln ready to watch, as soon as we are ready to watch a 3-hour movie. When I started reading the book, Liam Neeson was going to play Lincoln. So much has happened in the interim!


  1. I remember from my bookstore days that everyone was buying the book because Obama was reading it. He had just become president. A lot of water under the bridge for him too since then.

  2. And water in the big bathtub--I heard Doris Kearns Goodwin on "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" talking about Taft and Teddy. I only got half-way through "Bully Pulpit", but I'll check out the cd again.

  3. Oh, my God, there's more, isn't there?

  4. She sure does! She's a great speaker, too!

  5. You are right for weeping. Enjoy the movie.


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